Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Protecting your homes title and title insurance

Posted to the Fawcett Insurance Blog - June 25, 2008.

Yesterday the Vancouver Sun ran a story discussing how to protect your title from fraudulent transfers - click here to read the story.

This has prompted many calls and emails for information regarding title insurance. Traditionally title insurance is not considered necessary due to the Torrens system used for conveyancing real estate in BC. As such this is not a product that Fawcett Insurance offers.

The BC Land Title and Survey Authority (LTSA) is recommending that homeowners concerned about title fraud either have a lawyer place an alert on their title (alerts the lawyer when any activity is done on the title) or obtain a duplicate copy of the title. Both of these are very effective in preventing most fraudulent transfers.

The LTSA also reports that over the past 18 years it had only two claims related to land ownership fraud and 14 related to fraudulent discharge of mortgages. This after processing more than 14.5 million transactions.

You can find more information on protecting your title by reading the following documents from the LTSA:

Information Bulletin - Feb 4th, 2008

Common questions about title security

Title Insurance, which is usually arranged through the lawyer or notary registering your title, is also an option. There may also be other options available to you. I recommend that you speak with a lawyer for more information about the best way to protect your most important aspect.

Feel free to contact Elizabeth Mah at North Shore Law for more information. She can recommend several different ways to minimize your risk. You can reach Elizabeth by email at

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Little Engine That Could

The Little Engine That Could
I went on a very long hike yesterday morning as a guest of a weekly hiking group.
I don't think I had any idea what I was in for, which is probably why I agreed to go. My friend had faith in me and my capabilities, as did my family when I posed the question to them yesterday; "Do you think I can do it?”. I am not an experienced hiker,to say the least, and this turned out to be a 3 hour hike (not 2 hours as I had originally thought), mostly straight up the mountain. It was glorious weather, which helped, and I had my very experienced hiker friend guiding and encouraging me the entire way, which was extremely important to me. She helped me stay the course, and believe me there were a couple of times when I didn't think I was going to make it. The last stretch was grueling and we even went through snow. On the way up I was telling myself " I think I can, I think I can" just like the Little Engine That Could - a favourite children's book of mine that I read to my children many years ago. The message of believing in yourself rings out so clear in that book and is something I need to remind myself of constantly. I felt so relieved when I completed the hike and so proud that I had actually made it!
As I reflected on the hike, while nursing my aching body, I began to think how my hiking experience compares to running my home based business. I didn't know what I was in for really when I started my own networking marketing business. I liked the business model but had no idea how to make it successful. I questioned whether I could do it, and looked for encouragement from others whom I respect and who had faith in me. I have aligned myself in my business with great people who train, encourage and support me and who want to see me succeed, as they have. I hear myself saying "I think I can" often as I chug up the mountain to financial freedom. It's so important to keep your eyes on the goal, surround yourself with people who support you, and believe you can do it. I know it can be done. The Little Engine did it, and I did it today!

Friday, June 6, 2008

It's All About the Vibes!

I went to listen to Michael Losier speak tonight. He is a wonderful teacher who wrote the book Law of Attraction - The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't. He breaks it down very well. It's all about the vibes.
The Law of Attraction (or LOA) is very simple really - what you put out is what you get back. You put out positive vibes you will get more of the same, and if you put out negative vibes you will get more of the same also. The law of attraction doesn't differentiate, it just obeys and matches the output.

The key is to become deliberate in the process... and he uses a 3 step formula for deliberate attraction to occur.
1. Identify your desire.
2. Give it your attention.
Allowing is the absence of doubt. Doubt brings with it negative vibrations and stops the flow.

So, to help minimize the doubt it's important to use the following tools:
1. Celebrate the moment (enjoy every positive experience)
2. Record evidence of positive law of attraction (journal - focusing your attention)
3. Let the law of attraction figure it out (you'll know when everything seems aligned)

Abundance is a feeling - how many minutes each day do you spend vibrating abundance in your life? Every feeling you create is on purpose, so notice everything you are attracting. Then be accountable for why you are attracting what you are attracting.

It's all about the vibes - you get what you vibrate.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why I Drink XanGo

I used to get migraines all the time. I have suffered with them on a regular basis for as far back as I can remember... well at least since my early 20's. In the "old days" if I had the slightest hint that one was coming I had better not be too far from home because I wouldn't be able to drive far before it really hit. I would definitely be home for the next day or so in a completely dark room with no noise allowed as whatever medication I had at the time really didn't work so I would not be having a good time, for sure!
After many years of suffering with the heavy barbituates available for the migraine pain, a new class of drug came to market. This one focused on blood vessels and serotonin levels, or something to that effect. All I know is that they were very expensive, and I couldn't leave home without them. They worked much better than anything I had taken before, but I still got migraines regularly. Sometimes I had to take 2 or 3 of those expensive pills in a 24 hour period (ka-ching) but at least I had some relief. There were definitely side effects from the pills though, which I didn't like.
Just over a year ago I was introduced to a whole fruit puree mangosteen juice called XanGo that not only tasted delicious, but was being touted as a natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and a pain inhibitor. I started taking the juice purely for its antioxidant properties as I try to be proactive about my health. As there is a lot of buzz about mangosteen in the health and wellness industry these days I thought it was worth a try. I had read that the phytonutrients called xanthones, unique to this fruit in such quantity (over 40), had many health benefits. I really didn't think it would do anything for my migraines, and I continued to carry my medication with me always.
Four months into taking Xango, I realized that I hadn't had a migraine. Wow! That was very unusual, and was very exciting to me. I began to monitor my migraines from then on, and while I have had a couple here and there (usually because I have pushed the limit on lack of sleep, too much stimulation, or too much chocolate), they have not been nearly as severe as pre-XanGo, and they have been few and far between. Sometimes if I notice signs of a possible migraine coming I take an extra shot of XanGo and it goes away. This juice is truly a godsend... and has no side effects.

For more information about this juice or to compare migraine stories, write to me at